Bruce Turns 1

Bruce loved his first birthday cake. He appreciated the advanced cake decoration and the creamy icing and flavo(u)r. What he didn't see was the 3 attempts it took to get sugar-free icing that wasn't the consistency of soup. Liz showed great patience and ingenuity in working through the icing problems.

Like all children Bruce was attracted to the candle, thinking how cool that little, moving light was. Needless to say, Dad is applying significant restraint to prevent the "flaming baby" effect. Although Bruce knows how to blow, the hot air that actually snuffed out the candle seemed to come from the direction of Dad.

After some good training at Christmas Bruce is now an expert at opening presents. He had this book open in no time, tearing big chunks of paper off and handing them directly to Dave. Unfortunately, he now seems to think magazines and newspapers also need unwrapping. Mom and Dad are now realizing why high shelving is so prevalent in homes with kids.

Not seen here is a baby-sized rocking chair that Dad and Mom gave Bruce. The gift seemed like a good idea at the time, but today Bruce figured out that he could drag the chair over to a gate and use it get over those pesky things. Dad is now searching for ways to nail the chair to the floor!




Last updated 12 January, 1999.